Annual General Meeting of BioGaia

The Annual General Meeting of BioGaia AB (publ) on 10 May 2016 voted to approve the following resolutions:

  • adoption of the annual report
  • discharge from liability for the Board members and the Managing Director
  • a dividend of SEK 5.00 per share
  • re-election of Board members Jan Annwall, Ewa Björling, David Dangoor, Stefan Elving, Inger Holmström, Anthon Jahreskog, Brit Stakston and Paula Zeilon
  • re-election of David Dangoor as Board Chairman
  • re-election of the registered Accounting firm Deloitte AB
  • Board member compensation in an amount of SEK 300,000 to the Chairman and SEK 150,000 to each of the other Board members not employed by the company
  • auditors’ fee shall be paid according to approved account
  • regarding principles for remuneration and other terms of employment for senior executives in accordance with the Board’s proposal
  • regarding the Nominating Committee in accordance with the Nominating Committee’s proposal

Latest press releases from BioGaia
2016-05-10 BioGaia AB Interim management statement 1 January – 31 March 2016
2016-05-02 Yet another meta-analysis confirms the effectiveness of BioGaia’s probiotic in infantile colic
2016-04-27 BioGaia guarantees rights issue in IBT

BioGaia press release 11 May 2016

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BioGaia press release 11 May 2016

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