Article in New York Times about recent study on L. reuteri Protectis

This week we were glad to see the results of the latest study with Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis in children published by Prof. Gutierrez et al in the highly regarded medical journal Pediatrics. The results of the study were also announced in a press release by BioGaia on Monday March 17th. The results showed that healthy children attending day-care centres had a significantly lower risk of getting diarrhoea or respiratory tract infections when given a daily supplement of Lactobacillus reuteriProtectis.

As glad as we were to see the results of the study we were glad to see that also others took notice of the results. An article was published by The New York Times (in print March 18th) and we of course hope that this article helps us spread the positive results of this study.

You can read the article online through The New York Times website. Enjoy!