BioGaia makes further investment in MetaboGen

In December 2014 BioGaia reported its decision to invest SEK 12 million in MetaboGen AB, Gothenburg, Sweden. The investment should be made over a two-year period.

The first investment of SEK 4 million took place in December 2014 and the second in December 2015 and as MetaboGen has reached the agreed milestones the last investment of SEK 4 million was made today. 

BioGaia thereafter owns 36% of the share capital of MetaboGen.

MetaboGen is a research company, which was founded in 2011 in Gothenburg by Professor Fredrik Bäckhed at the University of Gothenburg and Professor Jens B Nielsen at Chalmers University of Technology together with GU Holding, which commercializes research results and develops companies linked to the University of Gothenburg. MetaboGen researches in metagenomics, the research intensive and fast developing field of gene sequencing of all genes in the microbial communities of for example the human gut, to find previously unknown members and patterns of the microbial diversity related to health and disease. The aim is to develop new treatments and products for different metabolic and other microbial associated diseases by influencing large parts of the microbiota.  

Peter Rothschild is Chairman of the Board and Sara Malcus is President in MetaboGen AB.

For further information please see BioGaia´s press release from 1 December 2014 and 2015 on BioGaia´s website:


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