BioGaia once again recognised for its work on gender equality

This week the Allbright Foundation released its biannual report on gender equality amongst management teams and boards in Swedish companies. BioGaia is once again recognised as one of the companies with a positive trend.

“Among the midcap companies there are eight “rays of light”, companies with boards consisting of 50 per cent women and 5 per cent men; BioGaia […]”

“A golden star is handed out to the four companies that, after its Annual General Meeting, reaches a representation of 50 per cent; health care company BioGaia […]”

Those are the wordings in the autumn edition of the Allbright report where BioGaia is once again recognised as a leading company when it comes to gender equality amongst board and management in Swedish listed companies.

BioGaia is well aware of the importance of equality and like any other larger company has an equality plan. The BioGaia equality plan states, among other things, that:

  • an equal company is a better company
  • an equal company is more fun to work for and
  • an equal company is a more profitable company

The full report can be found through the Allbright Foundation website (Swedish).

Allbright is a foundation whose vision is to improve the number of female managers at all levels in the Swedish business community. They do this by developing concrete measures that companies who aspire more equality can make use of.