BioGaia research wins first prize at LAB Symposium

LAB symposia are held every third year and characterised by the interplay between research and industry. While most content is pre-clinical, clinical trials are also presented. This year, the symposium was held online with more than 300 participants and over 170 scientific posters presented.

“We are very honoured to receive this award, especially when the theme of the symposium is exactly what BioGaia stands for – high-quality research into lactic acid bacteria with relevance for industrial applications and, ultimately, for consumers. The award is appreciated recognition by the research community that BioGaia and its partners are carrying out really high-quality research,” says Stefan Roos, associate professor at SLU and head of research into new bacteria strains at BioGaia.

In addition to the honour, prize money of EUR 500 was shared by Ludwig Lundberg and Yanhong Pang as first authors of the poster “Multifunctional membrane vesicles produced by L. reuteri DSM 17938 and their potential link to relief of infantile colic.” Ludwig Lundberg is an industrial PhD student at BioGaia and SLU, and a good example of how BioGaia partners with academic researchers.

The full list of poster authors:

Ludwig Lundberg*, Yanhong Pang*, Manuel Forsberg, Eva Sverremark Ekström, Gianfranco Grompone, Helena Bysell and Stefan Roos.

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