BioGaia Satelite Symposium at CIP Congress in Bangkok

The coming weekend BioGaia will participate at the Global Congress for Consensus in Pediatrics & Child Health and also hosting a satelite symposium on the subject: New perspectives on probiotics in paediatric health.

BioGaia has invited a number of well know professionals within the paediatric and gastrointestinal field to speak about new perspectives on probiotics in paedatric health.

The symposium will take place this Saturday, 15 February, 12:30-14:00 in Hall C at the Hilton Millennium Hotel in Bangkok.

The program can be found below:

12:30-12:40 Introduction with overview of probiotics in Asia
Badriul Hegar, MD, Ph.D
Professor Department of Child Health University of Indonesia, Indonesia
12:40-13:00 Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 (L. reuteri ProTectis): What is the evidence?
Hania Szajewska, MD, Ph.D
Professor Department of Pediatrics The Medical University of Warsaw, Poland
13:00-13:20 Prevention of colic, constipation and regurgitation – possible role of probiotics
Flavia Indrio, MD
Senior Consultant Neonatologist Pediatric Gastroenterologist Department of Paediatrics University of Bari, Italy
13:20-13:40 Effect of probiotics and calcium on diarrhea, growth, iron and zinc status: a randomized trail in Indonesian children
Rina Agustina, MD, Ph.D
Research Coordinator for the Department of Nutrition Faculty of Medicine at University of Indonesia Deputy Director at Seameo Recfon in Indonesia
13:40-14:00 Discussion & closing remarks