BioGaia update concerning COVID-19 pandemic

To ensure consistent supply of products BioGaia is overseeing the situation closely and prepares for adapting and taking appropriate actions with short notice.

At BioGaia Production, BioGaia’s own production plant in Sweden, manufacturing is running without disruptions. For both staff safety and to guarantee supply, hygiene and cleaning routines have been further extended and the plant has a visitor ban as well as a strict quarantine policy. BioGaia’s external suppliers are all manufacturers of pharmaceuticals and thus exempted from closing requirements, so-called lockdown. To date BioGaia’s external suppliers have not experienced any disruptions. 

BioGaia has a close and continuous dialogue with its distribution partners around the globe, to ensure supply and monitor consumer demand. BioGaia’s products are mainly sold through pharmacies and e-commerce to consumers. So far, this distribution has worked satisfactorily, although there are challenges with logistics.

The health and safety of BioGaia’s employees is of highest priority. On 9 March travel bans on international flights and participation in larger gatherings were imposed for all employees, as well as a strict quarantine policy. Only a couple of days later, 13 March, all office premises were closed down and all employees who have the possibility to do so are since then working from home. 

BioGaia will return with new information should the situation change significantly.


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BioGaia Press Release 30 March 2020

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BioGaia Press Release 30 March 2020

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