BioGaia’s probiotic to be launched in China

BioGaia primarily focus on pediatrics, gut health and oral health and the probiotic products are available in around 90 countries.

”We have a strong focus on growing our Asian business and I am very pleased that yet another of BioGaia’s products will be available in China. Based on the positive experience we already have in collaborating with Abbott in Latin America and Thailand, I look forward to a successful launch of BioGaia Protectis tabs with Abbott in China as well”, says Axel Sjöblad, Managing Director, BioGaia.

Latest press releases from BioGaia
2018-01-11 BioGaia Protectis with vitamin D soon in the Swedish market
2018-01-10 Two new meta-analyses confirm effectiveness of BioGaia’s probiotic in infant colic 
2017-11-17 Lactobacillus reuteri reduced bone loss in older women

BioGaia Press Release 18 January 2018

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BioGaia Press Release 18 January 2018

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