Enormous suffering in the Phillippines after typhoon Haiyan – your help is needed!

The humanitarian consequences in The Philippines, following typhoon Haiyan, are going to be enormous. Government sources speak of about 10,000 fatalities and 5-10 million people affected, all of them in acute need of help from the outside world in order to survive.

According to sources in The Philippines the country are now facing scenes similar to those seen after the tsunami in 2004.

Thousands of volunteers and rescue workers from aid organizations are now working around the clock to help the disaster-affected citizens – and they need your help!
BioGaia has for several years been supporting the important work of the Scandinavian Childrens Mission in The Philippines. This morning we have been in direct contact with Bo Wallenberg, Childrens Missions representative, who says that they already have been able to start the rescue work and aid operations by sending supplies and acute help loaded on airplanes flying in from Manila.
Scandinavian Children’s Mission is one of the first aid organizations arriving to the scenes in Tacloban, one of the most affected areas, and now they need urgent financial support to continue their rescue operations and important work in order to help the victims. Today we at BioGaia have increased our financial support in the Philippines and would like to urge all of you to contribute whatever you can in order to support the rescue operations in place.
Please make a donation online through the Children’s Mission website