Extraordinary General Meeting of BioGaia

The Extraordinary General Meeting of BioGaia AB (publ) 25 November 2020 resolved in accordance with the following:

  • that the number of Board members shall be eight without deputies
  • to elect Niklas Ringby as new Board member
  • that no remuneration shall be paid to Niklas Ringby
  • to approve the Board’s resolution from 30 October 2020 to increase the company’s share capital with not more than SEK 1,126,354 through issue of not more than 1,126,354 new class B shares.      

For more information on the new Board member, refer to the notice to the meeting. For further details and information on background to and reasons for the new share issue, refer to the company’s press release 30 October 2020.


Latest press releases from BioGaia
03.11.2020 Nominating Committee ahead of the BioGaia AGM 6 May 2021.
Notice to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting of BioGaia AB (publ)

30.10.2020 BioGaia has carried out a directed issue of 2.86 million class B shares, raising proceeds to SEK 1.1 billion

BioGaia press release 25 Nov 2020

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BioGaia press release 25 Nov 2020

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