Extraordinary General Meeting of BioGaia

The Extraordinary General Meeting of BioGaia AB (publ) on 18 March 2016 resolved on:

  • the approval of BioGaia’s transfers of 2,250 shares in BioGaia’s subsidiary Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB (“IBT”) to each of Eamonn Connolly and Staffan Strömberg; and 
  • the distribution of all BioGaia’s shares, namely 74,066 shares of series A and 1,659,579 shares of series B, in IBT, to BioGaia’s shareholders whereby one (1) series A share in BioGaia shall entitle to one (1) series A share fraction in IBT and one (1) series B share in BioGaia shall entitle to one (1) series B share fraction in IBT. Ten series A share fractions shall entitle to one (1) share of series A in IBT and ten series B share fractions shall entitle to one (1) share of series B in IBT. In the event that a shareholder’s holding in BioGaia is not evenly divisible by ten, any excess share fractions that have not entitled to shares in IBT will be sold, free of brokerage fees, on the respective shareholder’s behalf. 

Latest press releases from BioGaia
2016-03-12 Meta-analysis confirms effectiveness of BioGaia ProDentis in periodontitis 
2016-03-12 Notice to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting of BioGaia AB (publ) 
2016-02-12 Proposal for distribution and separate listing of BioGaia’s subsidiary Infant Bacterial Therapeutics

BioGaia has published this information in accordance with the Swedish Securities Market Act. The information was issued for publication on 18 March 2016, 4.00 p.m. CET.

BioGaia press release 18 March 2016

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BioGaia press release 18 March 2016

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