Less than month to go of BioGaia PhotoContest

By the end of next month BioGaia will select the winner of a one year supply of BioGaia ProTectis products*, the competition will close on 11 May 2014 12:00 a.m (CET). Enter or read more about the competition through our competition site on Facebook (www.biogaia.com/competition).

Don’t miss the chance to compete in BioGaia’s photo competition on Facebook. Share a picture of your child and/or children, a picture that you feel really represent the meaning of true friendships. Let your imagination flow, be creative and use the photos you already have or just capture a true friendship moment in a snapshot and share it with us! All competition entries must be posted prior to 12:00 a.m (CET) 11 May 2014.

Enter the competition through our Facebook site by following this link.

*More details regarding approval of contest entries, prizes, selection of winner and other conditions for entering this contest can be found under “Rules” found through the competition app.