Number of shares in BioGaia

In accordance with the warrant program approved by the AGM as of 8 May 2012 redemption of warrants during June 2015 has led to an increase of BioGaia’s share capital by SEK 65,500 to a total of SEK 17,336,462.

The number of shares has increased with 65,500 class B-shares through which the number of class B-shares now amounts to 16,595,794 with no change in the number of class A-shares, i.e. 740,668.

The total number of shares is thereby today, the last trading date of the month, 17 336 462 shares which is equivalent to 24,002,474 votes.

Latest press releases from BioGaia
2015-06-24 BioGaia subsidiary IBT takes rapid steps in development of a drug for premature infants
2015-06-12 BioGaia evaluates the possibility of a separate listing of Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB
2015-05-08 Annual General Meeting of BioGaia

BioGaia has published this information in accordance with the Swedish Securities Market Act. The information was issued for publication on 30 June 2015 9:00 am CET.

BioGaia press release 30 June 2015

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BioGaia press release 30 June 2015

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