Successful first Brilliant Minds Studio Webinar

BioGaia’s very first virtual scientific webinar was broadcasted this week to a large number of healthcare professionals attending from all over the world.

The webinar topic was ‘The microbiome during pregnancy and factors influencing the development of the early infant microbiota: role of L. reuteri DSM 17938 in vertical transmission from mother to child’ and the invited speakers presented science on the microbiome during pregnancy, and factors influencing the development of the early infant microbiota, such as mode of delivery, and use of antibiotics and PPIs. There was also a discussion on the role of probiotics in this context.

If you want to watch a recording of the webinar please go to our signup form for the event.

This was the first in a series of scientific webinars that BioGaia has planned during 2020 due to many cancelled and postponed congresses as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. The webinars are held in a format that is a well-known concept during satellite symposiums hosted by BioGaia  – Brilliant Minds Studio – but now transformed into a digitalised version and hosted by Gianfranco Grompone, PhD and BioGaia’s Vice President of Discovery and Research. The webinars are organised by BioGaia Academy, a part of BioGaia’s mission to educate healthcare professionals.