Webinar July 13: What is the secret of healthy ageing?

What is the secret of healthy ageing? How can we ensure a long existence, while maintaining a high quality of life and a strong health?

Developing and maintaining a healthy gut microbiota is essential through life, but becomes more challenging with age.

Share your thoughts and learn more with Prof. Patrizia Brigidi and Prof. Claudio Franceschi on:

  • The role the microbiota plays in keeping the immune defense system active and effective.
  • The secrets of longevity and the positive role that probiotics can play.
  • How probiotics can contribute to maintaining cognitive function as well as health and quality of life.

Join us for this inspiring seminar, hosted by BioGaia’s Scientific and Public Affairs Director Kristine Koppelhaus.

The seminar is free of charge and will also be recorded and available afterwards.

Sign up here: IPA EU Webinar Healthy Ageing and Probiotics (mailchi.mp)