Why probiotics?

Why probiotics are essential at every age

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that are vital for maintaining a healthy microbiota balance, making them pivotal contributors to overall well-being. Bacteria are microscopic marvels, fundamental to life itself. They play pivotal roles in various ecological systems including the human body, where they contribute to digestion, immunity, and oral health.


Bacteria are our underappreciated co-pilots

In the human gastrointestinal tract, trillions of bacteria reside, and these microorganisms build up our gut microbiota. The microbiota creates a complex ecosystem called the microbiome, which, for example, aids in breaking down food, synthesizing vitamins, and protecting against harmful pathogens. They are the protectors of our health and our true invisible heroes. When this balance is disrupted, it can lead to digestive disorders, weakened immunity, and other health issues.

Exploring the beneficial world of bacteria in human health

It was not so long ago that all bacteria were thought to be bad. This was because the first bacteria we were able to identify were pathogens that caused illnesses and infections.

Today, we know that most bacteria are either completely harmless or even vital to our health. The human body comprises trillions of these tiny residents, and they are essential to life. In fact, bacteria predate humans by billions of years, shaping our planet and paving the way for complex lifeforms (like us). In terms of human health, the ‘good’ bacteria are the invisible heroes performing vital tasks:


They break down food, extract nutrients, and produce vitamins we cannot make ourselves. Their absence would leave us malnourished and unable to absorb essential elements.

Immune defense

These tiny guardians train our immune system, distinguishing friend from foe and protecting us against harmful pathogens. Without them, we would be defenseless against infections.

Oral Health

A balanced oral microbiota is the defender of our teeth and gums, helping prevent cavities and inflammation, and giving you fresher breath. Being the gateway to your body, your oral microbiota helps regulate immune responses, aids digestion and helps protect against pathogens.

Optimal health begins with a balanced gut

Approximately 80 percent of your body’s immune defenses reside there, relying on a harmonious blend of beneficial bacteria to function effectively.

These friendly microbes fortify our immune system, warding off harmful invaders such as toxins and bad bacteria. To maintain this equilibrium, the ratio of good to bad bacteria should ideally be twenty to one.

When this balance is disrupted, a condition known as dysbiosis may arise, marked by symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, bloating, stomach discomfort, and leaky gut. Emerging research indicates a compelling correlation between dysbiosis and prevalent health issues such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. Thankfully, nurturing a healthy microbiota has shown promise in preventing these conditions.

Maintaining optimal health and the role of probiotics

One way to maintain a healthy gut microbiota is by consuming probiotic supplements – live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host.

Probiotics act like reinforcements for our resident bacterial army. They work tirelessly to restore balance, fortify our defenses, and amplify the beneficial and protective functions of our gut microbiome. From infancy to our golden years, research suggests incorporating probiotics into our daily routine can profoundly impact our overall well-being in a variety of ways.

Probiotics are gaining in popularity

Probiotics are gaining in popularity for several reasons:

Gut microbiota insights through scientific discoveries

Firstly, there is a growing awareness of the importance of gut health and its impact on overall well-being. Research continues to uncover the profound influence of the gut microbiota on digestion, immunity, metabolism, oral and mental health. As people and healthcare professionals seek ways to optimize health, they are often turning to probiotics as a natural and accessible solution to support a balanced gut microbiota.

Modern lifestyle and the rise of disease

Secondly, modern lifestyles, including diets high in processed foods, stress, antibiotics usage, and environmental factors, can disrupt the delicate balance of gut bacteria. This disruption has been linked to various health issues such as digestive disorders, weakened immunity, increased allergy rates and inflammation. Consequently, individuals and healthcare professionals are leveraging probiotics to help restore and maintain a healthy microbial balance in the gut.

Preventative health care

Lastly, with a shift towards preventative health care and a desire for natural remedies, probiotics are viewed favorably as a proactive approach to supporting health and wellness. As scientific understanding of the microbiota and the microbiome advances and more evidence emerges supporting the benefits of probiotics, probiotic supplements set the stage as an integral component of a holistic approach to health maintenance.

One billion years of experience

Early earth

Bacteria were among the first life forms on our planet. They shaped the environment, producing oxygen through photosynthesis and paving the way for more complex organisms.

Nutrient cycling

Bacteria play a vital role in nutrient cycling. They break down organic matter, releasing essential nutrients back into the ecosystem. Without them, life as we know it would be unsustainable.


All living organisms — including humans — rely on symbiotic relationships with bacteria. Our gut microbiome aids digestion, synthesizes vitamins, and influences our overall health.

Science that illuminates the wisdom of nature

For more than thirty years, our teams have studied the microbiota, working together to understand what the gut needs to help the modern human body maintain optimal health.

In essence, probiotics are crucial because they support the intricate balance of bacteria within our bodies, which is not only essential for our health but also a reflection of the fundamental role bacteria play in sustaining life itself.